A Glimpse Into Why I Love Travel

It’s All About Perspective

Travel was not always something that took a priority in my life growing up. It was not the lack of travel, because my parents took us on plenty of trips. In fact, the first time I traveled outside of the United States was on a family trip to Italy at 3 years old. I think travel became special to me when I grew old enough to understand perspective. The European backpacking trip I took after college gave me an opportunity to observe many different cites and perspectives in a short period of time. It was amazing how in such a short physical distance, that people can have such different perspective on live. That trip took me out of my norm and forced me to live in someone else’s world. The trip taught me how to respect other’s way of life because there is no standard on how life should be lived. We all have different paths and values.

To those thinking about traveling but are hesitant to get out of their norm, I recommend diving in head first. With the right planning and research your trips don’t have to break the bank. The experiences and perspective you will gain from these adventure will be worth every dollar you spend on them. I plan to continue traveling to new cities and hope you enjoy taking a look through my adventures.