New York, New York

The city that never sleeps

My Second Home

As a kid, my family and I frequently visited our family in New York. I always enjoyed the time we spent there because it gave me a chance to see cousins. I never really experienced how great the city is until I was older. I gained the full experience as a New Yorker when I attended computer programming school in Downtown Manhattan. It was surreal to take the subway in from Brooklyn each day with the Wall Street big shot. The school I attended was Dev Bootcamp on the 15th Floor of the 48 Wall Street building right next to the New York Stock Exchange. In such awe of the fast pace energy and beautiful sky scrapes, I would often run into things from looking up at all the beauty. We spent long hours on campus but would always found time for a Friday happy hour at the South Street Sea Port.

Exploring the City

A favorite activity of mine was ride my bike to new parts of the city. I enjoyed riding because it allowed me to cover more ground while still getting a view. It’s amazing how every 4-5 blocks was a totally different neighborhood. I would stumble across random street parties and cultural celebrations every few blocks, especially when the weather was nice. I frequently rode my bike over the Brooklyn Bridge down into the Financial district and up through Chinatown. The bridge offered such an amazing skyline view and the speed you would hit on the down slope gave you a moment to stop peddling and take it all in. The crowd of tourist at the bottom of the bridge would bring me back from that moment. It felt like I was running with a herd as I weaved my bike through traffic and people crossing the street.

Playoffs In Yankee Stadium

One of the highlights from my time in New York was attending the Yankees playoffs game 3 vs the Huston Astros. It was a week-night game that started at 7:30 so I rushed to the subway right after class. The subway was packed as full as I had ever seen, with Yankees fans and rush hour traffic. It was collage of pin stripes and suites that turned more striped as we got closer to the Bronx. The Yankee chants and foot stomping filled the subway once we saw the stadium. The crowd inside the stadium was even more intense. The atmosphere in the stadium was electric when Arron Judge hit a 2 run homer in the 3rd inning to put the Yankees ahead. The Yankees continued to dominate the score board and ended up winning the game. The Spirit of the stadium carried over to the subway ride home with a chant “LETS GO YANKEES”.

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